By Lisa Rupe

This user is a member of the chapter who serves as the website webmaster to design and/or update the site as required by NSDAR and MSSDAR policy. The name and email can be changed; otherwise, do not alter these settings. Contact the state VIS chair at for more information.
Showing 10 of 28 Results

Veteran Memory Boxes

Memory boxes were placed outside patients’ doors at the Missouri Veterans Home–St. Louis. Each box was personalized for each resident with their branch of service information and other personal memorabilia.

Bell Ringing

Each year on September 17, at 3 p.m. central time, the chapter joins the nation in bell ringing to celebrate the signing of the U.S. Constitution. Our group meets outside […]

The Colonial Kitchen

A chapter member dressed in period clothing demonstrates tastes and smells familiar to colonialists as she describes cooking and meal menus of the time. This is a new innovative offering […]